Growing as a follower of Jesus who loves God wholeheartedly, others sacrificially, and God’s world generously involves, among other things, a rhythm (or healthy habit) of worship, prayer and soaking up Scripture. Everyone needs a little help establishing such a rhythm. Below are some resources to help get you started in 2025.

Devotional Resources for adults

The Bible with Nicky & Pippa Gumbel (formerly The Bible in One Year). Journey through the Bible in a year with commentary by Nicky Gumbel (downloadable App).

TIDES. A daily email resource (from PCI) to help develop regular rhythms of Bible reading following a simple pattern of read, reflect, respond.

Heavenward. A daily portion of Scripture and accompanying prayer, by Scotty Smith.

Lectio365. A daily devotional resource that helps you read and pray the Bible every day. Produced by the 24-7 prayer movement.

Through the day with God. A resource that we’ve produced helping you to journey through your day with God, from morning until bedtime.

Every Day with Jesus - a free daily devotional resource, now available as an App.

Our Daily Bread - free daily devotional available online (email & App), or as a printed copy.

WordLive. Helping you meet with God through daily readings and notes emailed to you each day (produced by Scripture Union).

She Reads Truth & He Reads Truth. Downloadable Apps with a series of Bible Reading plans (In App purchases).

The Quiet Time Kickstart.  A Daily devotional designed to kickstart a daily Bible-reading routine and give you the skills and confidence to understand and enjoy God’s word for yourself.  Great resource for those starting out. Available as a printed copy or ebook from The Good Book Company.

Explore.  Quarterly Bible Reading notes taking you through books of the Bible at a time. Available as a printed copy or ebook from The Good Book Company.

Resources for Teens

Discover encourages a daily routine of Bible study and prayer, which will help 11-13 year olds set a pattern for the rest of their lives. Only available as a printed copy from The Good Book Company.

Engage Bible notes have been written to help young people (aged 14-17) understand and apply the Scriptures. They also seek to address relevant issues in teenagers' lives. Only available as a printed copy from The Good Book Company.

Cultivate Devotion - An App designed to help older teens / young adults cultivate the practice of daily reading the Bible. Download from the Apple Store or Google Play store.

TIDES. A daily email resource to help develop regular rhythms of Bible reading, following a simple pattern of read, reflect, respond.

See also a range of devotional books for teens in the local Faith Mission bookshop.

Resources for Children

XTB.  Bible Reading notes designed especially for 7-10 year olds. Available as a printed copy from The Good Book Company.

God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook.  For parents to use with very young children.  Foundational Bible stories, faithfully told and beautifully illustrated, which point to the one big story of the Bible - God making and keeping his promises. Available as a printed copy from The Good Book Company.