LifeGroups are smaller groups within our church. We view them as an important part of our life as a church in getting to know each other, care for each other, encourage each other in the ways of Jesus, and pray for each other. You don’t need to be an expert Christian or know all the answers to be in a LifeGroup - however long you’ve been following Jesus, however strong or weak you feel as a Christian, these groups are for you!
LifeGroups contain approximately 8-10 people, sometimes less and sometimes a few more. They meet twice per month, usually on a Wednesday night, or at another time to suit the group. This term we’re offering various types of LifeGroup - Mixed LifeGroups (in age & gender), Women’s LifeGroups, Men’s LifeGroups.
It would be great to have you involved!
To register for a LifeGroup, simply complete the LifeGroup form by clicking on the button below…
LifeGroup Leaders can access the LifeGroup leaders area here