Growing as a follower of Jesus who loves God wholeheartedly, others sacrificially, and God’s world generously involves (as well as the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives), us cultivating good HABITS - of Bible intake, prayer, worship, community… We’re currently looking at some of these habits during our Sunday Services.
Everyone needs a little help establishing such habits. Below are some resources to help get you started.
Devotional Resources for adults
The Bible in One Year (BIOY). Journey through the Bible in a year with commentary by Nicky Gumbel (downloadable App).
TIDES. A daily email resource (from PCI) to help develop regular rhythms of Bible reading following a simple pattern of read, reflect, respond.
Heavenward. A daily portion of Scripture and accompanying prayer, by Scotty Smith.
Lectio365. A daily devotional resource that helps you read and pray the Bible every day. Produced by the 24-7 prayer movement.
Through the day with God. A resource that we’ve produced helping you to journey through your day with God, from morning until bedtime.
Every Day with Jesus - a free daily devotional resource available online, as a printed copy, and a podcast
Our Daily Bread - free daily devotional available online (email & App), or as a printed copy.
WordLive. Helping you meet with God through daily readings and notes emailed to you each day (produced by Scripture Union).
She Reads Truth & He Reads Truth. Downloadable Apps with a series of Bible Reading plans (In App purchases).
Praying through the Psalms. A guide to praying through a Psalm each day (see also the accompanying video resource)
Read the Bible in a Year. A guide to reading through the entire Bible in 2023.
Praying the Bible - really helpful videos on how to ignite your prayer life by praying through Scripture.
Resources for Teens
Discover encourages a daily routine of Bible study and prayer, which will help 11-13 year olds set a pattern for the rest of their lives. Only available as a printed copy.
Engage Bible notes have been written to help young people (aged 14-17) understand and apply the Scriptures. They also seek to address relevant issues in teenagers' lives. Only available as a printed copy.
Cultivate Devotion - An App designed to help older teens / young adults cultivate the practice of daily reading the Bible. Download from the Apple Store or Google Play store.
TIDES. A daily email resource to help develop regular rhythms of Bible reading, following a simple pattern of read, reflect, respond.
See also a range of devotional books for teens in the local Faith Mission bookshop.