Hello & Welcome to Ballyloughan! Whether you’re exploring faith or looking for a church to call home, we’re so glad that you’ve dropped by! We want to make it as easy for you as possible to get connected in to Ballyloughan, so here are some ideas which may be helpful.
IDEA 1: Join us on Sundays
IDEA 2: If you’re exploring faith why not try Alpha
IDEA 3: Come along to our next Hello & Welcome Lunch
IDEA 4: Register your details
If you’ve decided that you’d like to get further connected into Ballyloughan and would like to add your details to our church database, then either simply complete the online form (click below) or fill out one of the cards at our information desk on a Sunday.
IDEA 5: Join a LifeGroup
While there’s a real buzz about our Sundays, we appreciate that it can be hard getting to know others in a crowd. We encourage everyone connected to our church to join a LifeGroup, which provides a brilliant opportunity to begin to get to others.
IDEA 6: Get involved
A great way to feel part of church is by serving in one of our teams - it could be in one of our set up teams, media, praise, children’s and youth work, caring for older folk, helping in Foodbank etc etc… speak with one of our leadership team for more info!
IDEA 7: Come to our next BELONG course
BELONG is our course for those who want to put down some roots in Ballyloughan. Running a couple of times per year, this short course introduces you to our church, what matters to us, and what it looks like to belong to Ballyloughan. Look out for information on our next course.