We hold two Sunday Morning Services each week - 9.30am and 11.00am.
You'll be so welcome to join us whether you’ve been part of Ballyloughan for a long time, short time, or would like to come along for the first time; whether you’re from a church background or none, are a committed Christian or simply exploring faith.
THE 9.30AM
Our 9.30am Service is the less ‘busy’ of the two Services, so if it’s a quieter style of service that you’re looking for, then this one is for you. While the talk at this Service is the same as at 11.00am, the overall Service will be a little shorter, ending at approximately 10.20am. There are currently no groups for children and young people at this service, though young people will be able to leave during the Service for the Youth Breakfast which starts at 10.00am.
THE 11.00AM
This is the busier of the two Services, so we encourage you to come in good time! This Service lasts for around an hour and a quarter, with a little more praise during the service than our 9.30am, as well as our BoB crèche, Thrive for children, and our twice monthly SOLiD programme for young people in school years 8-10. Members of our Prayer Team will be available to offer prayer at the end of both our 9.30 & 11.00am Services.
Between Services tea & coffee are served in our Welcome Area from 10.15-10.55am, and whichever service you attend we would encourage you to use that time to catch up with others.
Our Youth Breakfast (for all young people of secondary school age) takes place from 10.00am.
A note on parking: We’re grateful that we have use of the car park just across the road from our church which serves Dunclug Primary School & College. Due to limited parking in our own church car park, we request that, if fit and able, you use the school car park and carefully walk across, leaving the spaces in the church car park for those who are older, a little less mobile, or have very small children. The school car park will be in use for both the 9.30am and 11.00am Services. Thanks for your understanding and for using this as opportunity to love others well.
We run a programme on two Sunday nights per month. This month…
Sunday 7th January at 7.00pm: Kingdom Come Worship & Prayer Night with Communion
Sunday 21st January at 7.00pm: Equip Night. ‘Living for Jesus in a modern technological age.’ The Metaverse, deep-fake technology and Artificial Intelligence - these are today’s reality. We’ll be looking to the Bible to see if there is any guidance that may help us navigate through this new technological age.
The best way to share with us in worship is by being with us in person. A screen doesn’t really convey the feel and warmth of our church or provide the sense of ‘encounter’ with God that we experience when we’re together in worship with others. However, if you’re unable to be with us on a Sunday or just want to check us out before coming, why not watch our Livestream on YouTube. Simply click on the pic to take you there.
For this week’s latest announcements click here