Start back dates for our youth & children’s ministries….
Thrive Programme for children of Primary School age takes place during our 11.00am Sunday Service, starting Sunday 8th September.
Girl's Brigade: Tinies, Explorers and Junior sections cater for girls from preschool year to Primary 7. GB is on Monday evenings from 6.30 - 8.00pm. Starts back Monday 9th September.
Boy's Brigade: Anchor Boys and Junior Sections cater for boys of primary school age. BB takes place on Friday evenings, 6.30pm - 8.00pm. Starts back Friday 13th September.
The Mix, for all young people of secondary school age, starts back Friday 13th September 8.15pm - 10.15pm.
Tots & Co. group each Monday morning, 10.00 am to 12 noon for parents / carers and toddlers. Starts back Monday 16th September (No consent form required).
Community Youth Club for young people (Primary 6 - school year 10) from the local community meets every Thursday from 7.15 to 8.30pm. Starts back Thursday 19th September.
If you’d prefer to download and complete a paper copy, you can find one here.